Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Best Gift Of All

Okay, so I am learning so much from the book of Psalms as I study it more this month. It also helps that my mom just happened (God knew I would need what she brought home) to bring in a devotional on the book of Psalms and that is one of my biggest sources! There will be a link to buy said book from Amazon at the bottom of this post. Now, let's get started.
Psalm 19 really dealt with God's handy work. An example of this is someone watching a sunset and shouting "Way to go God, Fantastic!" This shows someone praising God for what He has made. Now for some science, Did you know that a single human chromosome contains twenty billion bits of information? That would be like having forty-thousand 500 page books! Wow! God is very creative!  Now some people like to say that there is no God and that the earth just happened on it's own, but Romans 1:20 backs up that God created the earth and Paul, the guy who wrote Romans, tells us that we have no excuse not to praise God! Here's the thing though, make sure you are praising GOD nor nature and not NATURE for nature. Some verses warning against praising nature are: Job 31:26-28, 2 Kings 23:5.
Now lets switch gears for a minute and talk about what Psalm 19 teaches us about asking for forgiveness. Verse twelve tells us that we should ask for forgiveness from God and for Him to cleanse us from sin. Verse thirteen tells us that we should ask God to keep us from future sin. Wait! What?!?! Let's read that verse. "Keep Your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression."(NIV). Oops! This is something I don't really do. What about you? Let's remember this verse and ask God for help everyday! Finally verse fourteen tells us to stand firm on the rock of our Salvation. God is wonderful!
Let me tell you a story I read. On March 8, 1839 thirteen miners were caught in a collapsed coal mine in Musselburg, Scotland. Did these miners panic? Did they start blaming each other? The answer is no. Instead they gathered together and started singing Psalm 20! Yeah, you read right, they sang! Psalm 20 is a Psalm that speaks of hope. The opening verse says: "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you." Psalm 20:1 (NIV). I don't know about you, but I can't think of anything better to be protecting me! Now do you want to know what happened to the miners? Well, people were frantically searching for them, and they were running out of oxygen. They were finally rescued and as all thirteen came out of the mine they were still singing Psalm 20!
Now lets go to Paris on March 4, 1437. This was the day that Henry IV of France was imprisoned in Paris because he had Protestant beliefs! Over time he managed to escape and find refuge with the Huguenot, members of the Protestant Reformed church of France. During a service Henry heard Psalm 21 being sung. After hearing this he felt God had prearranged for him to be there and he was in awe of God's providential leading. He knew God had gone before him paving the way just like God did with David in this chapter.
Another interesting fact is that Psalm 20 and Psalm 21 go hand in hand. Both speak about the king. Psalm 20 could be an intercession as the king goes out to battle and Psalm 21 is a thanksgiving, maybe for when the king returns triumphant. Also verses four and nine of Psalm 21 show a deeper meaning of this chapter. It reminds us of Jesus in Revelation 6:16. Many consider Psalm 21 to be speaking of the Messiah, Jesus.
The best gift is knowing that God is going before every one of us and preparing what will happen in our lives. He is standing by us and ready to listen to us and help us not to sin if we ask for His help. He is ready to show us that there is always hope. He is ready to show us His master piece everyday in nature and everything else. For me this is the best gift I can have this Christmas season and all year long!
Psalms Devotional I have been using

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