- Tabitha/Dorcus: Proverbs 31 describes a woman who works hard and brings blessings to her husband and children. We don't know if Tabitha had a husband or children. But, because of Acts 9:36, we do know she was a hard working woman and a disciple of Christ. Tabitha died, but her death resulted in many people coming to know God. Tabitha didn't stay dead long though, God used Peter to raise her from the dead! (Acts 9:36-43).
- Phebe: This woman carried a letter from Paul to the Roman church. She had to be a woman of high and noble character to even be trusted with Paul's letter. The Bible tells us that she was a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. My Bible says, in the notes section, "the word deacon refers here to a Christian designated to serve with the overseers/elders of the church in a variety of ways; similarly in Philippians 1:1 and 1 Timothy 3:8,12." Now I know I'm talking about the women in the New Testament, but that was still during a time in which women did not have much of a say so or leadership role. I believe that the fact that Phebe was in charge of handing a letter over, that would one day be a part of the Bible, and that she was publicly known as a deacon of the church, means that she was defiantly a Proverbs 31 woman that we can all learn form in today's world. (Romans 16:1-2).
- The Devout, Honorable, and Chief Women of the Jews and Greeks: To read about these women, check out Acts 13:50 and Acts 17:4,12. The best place to read about these women is at Women in the Scriptures. But what I found interesting is that the Jewish women did not want to accept Paul's teachings and they helped run him out of town. But the women in Greece helped Paul to get the citizens to listen to him. The women in Greece played a very important role in helping bring salvation to many peoples' lives. The fact that the Jewish and Greek women were of high society speak volumes about them in general.
- The Lady who revived one of the letters from John: We do not know her name or where she is from. We do know that she has raised her children right and most of them believe in God and are honorable people. We also know that her sister's children believe in God and want to wish her well. We know she and John know each other and they have talked. We know that she welcomes people into her home. Maybe John stayed with her awhile. We also know she is the only woman in the whole Bible to have a "book" or letter dedicated to her. I truly think this woman was a Princess Warrior for Christ and that makes her a Proverbs 31 Woman! Her story is in 2 John.
- Widow of Nain: Luke 7:11-17 tells us that Jesus saw this woman as her dead son was being brought out of her house. He was her only son and the Bible tells us that Jesus' heart went out to this woman. He told her not to cry and then raised her son from the dead. We don't know what this woman did or who she really was. But Jesus loved her and we can learn from her story that there is always hope and Jesus is always with us!
- Woman with the Bleeding Issue: I put this special woman in the category of a Proverbs 31 woman because of her great faith. In Matthew 9:20-22 we learn that the woman had been bleeding for twelve years. In Mark 5:25-34 we read that the woman had spent all of her money on doctors trying to get healed, but to no success. In Luke 8:43-48 the woman explains to Jesus that she knew that if she could just touch Jesus' robes she would be healed. Jesus knew that some of His power went out from Him and He told the woman, in front of a crowed of people, that her faith was rewarded. I think this woman is a Proverbs 31 woman for keeping her faith in such a difficult situation!
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