Saturday, June 6, 2015

Proverbs 31 Women of the Bible- part 7


There is one woman of the Old Testament that I forgot to mention.
Pharaoh's Daughter: Her story can be read in Exodus 5:2-10. 
She was a young girl of royal lineage. 
She was probably pretty young too. 
She had gone to the Nile just to bathe and came home with a baby boy, who was Moses. 
She took a great risk in seeking permission to keep the child. 
After all, her father was in the middle of killing the Hebrew babies and people were probably thinking the baby Pharaoh's daughter found was a Hebrew baby. 
Pharaoh's daughter showed great courage and compassion in raising the child and loving him. 
Women of the Bible says that Pharaoh's daughter might have been named Bithiah and that she was banished for bringing Moses into her father's house. 
Also, that when the Israelites left Egypt she went with them. 
The proof of this is in 1 Chronicles 4:17-18. One line in these verses is "These were the children of Pharaoh's Daughter Bithiah, whom Mered had married."
The life lesson from her part in history is this: "We can't see how our choices today may impact others in the future. Make a bold decision and watch God guide the outcome." (Women of the Bible.)
In my opinion, Bithiah, Pharaoh's Daughter is a Proverbs 31 Woman for what she did and for coming to know the One True God!

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