Wow! This month has been filled with adventure, and it's not even over yet! I made it through my first year in college! I feel excited for next semester to start because I feel I will be more prepared. For Mother's Day my friend and I took our moms to the spa and just had a good girls' day. I've spent a lot of time with family and friends. I've also been working at the pregnancy center and reading books on my summer book list.
Then, on May 10th, my Papaw had a stroke and we had to take him to the hospital. The stroke affected both sides of his brain and he had to go into a nursing home for a couple of weeks. My grandmother has been cleaning the house and making it "walker proof" like crazy. My papaw will be home on Thursday, but this isn't going to be an easy road. Prayers are very appreciated!

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. A lot of people will be having cook-outs and be with friends and family. I did some research, and did you know that Memorial Day use to be called "Decoration Day"? It is a national holiday. It is for the remembrance of Soldiers who have died. It started after the end of the American Civil War. It also marks the beginning of Summer. Some things you could do to give back are:
*Decorate a Soldiers grave
*Give to the Wounded Warrior Project
*Donate a Bible at Family Christian Bookstore
*Take food to a family who recently lost someone to war
*Pray and be thankful!
For my Summer I've been spending time with my dog Titus. I got him from Brother Wolf almost two years ago and he is the sweetest dog! He's spoiled rotten and I love him so much! About a week ago, we added a new addition to our pet family. A cat someone had thrown out on the side of the road had found refuge under the porch. She is very friendly and has been letting me take care of her. I've named her Esther and she is expecting kittens soon. I'm not going to be able to keep her, so I am taking her to a no kill shelter. I've grown attached to her and it's going to be hard to give her up, but it's best for her. If you are interested in adopting an animal, here is the link to Brother Wolf
I recomend checking out The American Bible Challenge on The Game Show Network. It's a great show!
These guys who call themselves Rhymz with Grace were on it and I love this music video they did:
Lastly, please continue to pray for Nigeria. The government is very
corrupt there and the schoolgirls still have not been found. There has
also been bombings. The Prayer Warriors need to unite and really be
praying for this country!
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