Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bring Back Our Girls!

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all the people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." ~1 Timothy 2:1 (NLT)
Let me tell you a story. Today I took the advice of someone and wrote down every Bible verse from my Bible apps. You know, the ones that send you random verses everyday. I was going to look back on them tonight and write about what God did in my life today in my journal.
Well, I went to math class and then went to my volunteer job. While at my job, I got an email for the daily Air1 Radio Bible verse. The verse is the one quoted in bold. I didn't think anything to special was going to come out of this verse, but I wrote it down anyways. I came home and my mom told me the latest family drama. I thought of other verses I had wrote down this morning but not 1 Timothy 2:1. Next I got on Facebook and I saw that TobyMac had shared the picture that says "Nigeria, Let's lift them up." I shared this picture thinking that maybe a natural disaster had hit or something.
Scrolling on down through my newsfeed I came to a picture from the End It Movement page. It talked about girls being taken and had the hashtag "Bring Back Our Girls." Naturally I was curious so I did a little research. I found out that on April 14th, 234 young girls were kidnapped by terrorist from a Nigerian school and that they are being held hostage! I wanted to help! So, I shared the info on my Facebook. But I didn't feel like that was enough!
While I was thinking of what else I could do, I realized something. I'm a writer and a blogger! I truly believe God has given me a gift of writing, and it may be for this purpose right here. We use social media everyday! So the perfect way to get people's attention about this issue is to share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, anything! But bloggers can take it a step farther. We can WRITE about it and get it out  there to the people who read our blogs!
So that is what I am doing. I'm also going to bring the issue to my church tonight and ask everyone to pray. I have made a week long prayer schedule that can be repeated every week. I am a believer in prayer and all the Prayer Warriors need to get in our fighting positions (on our knees) and pray. I believe that alone can bring these girls home!
So, I know this is my second post in a week and I haven't even done my Saturday post yet. But this is close to my heart and we need to help anyway we can.
Info on the Nigerian kidnapping and how social media IS helping


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