Friday, February 14, 2014

The Ultimate Valentine

"We love because He first loved us." ~1 John 4:19
        Today is Valentine's Day. A lot of people will be receiving flowers, chocolate, jewelry, and other beautiful gifts form people who love them. Some people will wish they could just go back to bed and let this day pass because it's "single awareness day" and they don't want to see what they don't have. Then some people will be planning a friends night so they are not alone on this day and at least have friends with them. Finally, some people will just see this as another Friday and not a special holiday.
       When I was young, Valentine's Day was about getting to hand out those cute Valentines to my class mates and getting candy from said class mates and parents. My parents also had this tradition of sending me flowers to school to just let me know that they love me and are always there for me. I can't tell you when that tradition started, but it was something I always appreciated. As I got older I went through a phase where Valentine's Day was "single awareness day" for me and I just wished it would pass. Last Valentine's Day my sweet and loving boyfriend took me to the Cove for a Brandon Heath concert and it was so special and I'm so thankful for that.
     This year I am single, but I am not upset and thinking about how horrible Valentine's day is. I'm not handing out those cute little Valentines to class mates. Instead I am drowning in the love my God has for me! I mean think about it.. GOD LOVES US!! As the verse at the top reminds us, the only reason we love is because He loves us!
"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, God died for us." ~Romans 5:8
       My God is SO amazing! He planned me. He has my life mapped out. He is always on my side. He died for me even though He knew I would reject Him for a long time!!
"and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." ~Ephesians 5:2
      God is all about love. I don't see how we could not want to show love when we learn about what Jesus did for us at the cross! Maybe this Valentine's Day you can also think about the strangers that you can show love to with just a simple smile while showering your family and friends with love!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." ~John 3:16
     I really think this verse speaks for itself about God's love. So Thank You my Ultimate Valentine, God for Loving Me!
    Guys, God love YOU! Strive to seek and serve Him and the right girl will come into your life! Now one more point that I want to make, girls this concerns you who are looking for prom dresses. Girls remember the Bible is filled with tons of verses about how much God Loves YOU. So with that in mind, please pick out prom dresses that would please your Heavenly Daddy!
Kari Jobe in a beautiful and slag rnt red dress.
So beautiful!

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