Thursday, November 26, 2015

An open letter to the person battling anxiety

An open letter to the person battling with anxiety:
You are going to get through this and you will win.
You wake up to a new day and you feel fine. You go about your normal routine and you’re read to face the day.
But then, out of nowhere, you feel like you can get nothing accomplished and the day doesn’t look so bright and promising anymore.
You feel depressed, like you just want to curl up in a ball and tune out the rest of the world. Like you want to turn off all of your emotions and escape to something else (the TV, reading, self-harm, drugs, alcohol, all of these can be a person’s escape when anxiety sets in.)
You just cry for, what you think is, no reason. But maybe your subconsciously crying for help or because you’re upset at everything anxiety has taken from you today. Whatever the reason, it’s okay to cry.
Then you get overwhelmed over doing the simplest things. Maybe it’s writing a paper or cleaning house. Maybe it’s going to the grocery store or, even, taking that next step to achieve your dreams. Sometimes, when the overwhelmed part kicks in, you wonder if you just want to see yourself self-destruct because everything might not be as bad as you think it is in this moment. I’m here to tell you that NO! You are not doing this to self-destruct, you’re just having to go to war with your anxiety today.
Finally, the anger sets in. You want to throw things. You want to run away from all of these problems looming over you. You’re mad at yourself for not being able to handle these simple things. You’re mad that your hands are shaking making even the simplest of jobs, like carrying a cup of tea, difficult. Maybe you’re mad at other people and think that they are adding to your anxiety. Maybe you’re even upset with God and wonder why He lets you struggle with this on a daily basis.
Anxiety sucks! And it comes in many forms. But, anxiety can NOT beat you! Anxiety can make you feel like crap for a while, but it makes you stronger. You are a warrior and you’re battling with anxiety. But, I’m here to tell you that anxiety doesn’t win. YOU win! Did you get up this morning? That’s a victory! Did you press on and do your best? That’s a victory! Did you not turn to your escape? That’s a victory! There are people in your life who care for you and will walk beside you during this. That’s a victory! There is a God Who loves you and is watching out for you. He has amazing plans for you and He is with you every step of the way. That’s a HUGE victory!
To the person battling anxiety, you’re going to make it through this and you are going to beat anxiety. I believe in you and I know you can do this because I’m battling anxiety too. But, WE are going to win, everything is going to work out, you’ll see. So, for now, keep on fighting!

A person who is battling anxiety along with you.

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