Saturday, March 14, 2015

Courage & Kindness (the new Cinderella movie)

    "Always be courageous and kind." ~mother to Ella.
   "I forgive you." ~Cinderella to her step-mother.
So, yesterday my friend and I went to see the new Disney Cinderella movie. I'll admit I was a little worried I wouldn't like it. I was't a big fan of Maleficent because I felt it changed to much and I was afraid this movie would do the same.
I was wrong. The movie was VERY close to the original Cinderella movie and it was just wonderful. But that's not what I want to write about. I want to write about Cinderella and the step-mother (I'm not going to use the word evil here even though she did do some pretty nasty things.)
Cinderella was the girl all of us grew up with and loved. Kind and compassionate, and being the perfect example of a gentile spirit. The step-mother was just like we remembered, only a little more determined. So why do I want to write about these two characters and not the love between Cinderella and the prince? Simple. Cinderella and the step-mother are two perfect examples of how people choose to act in tough circumstances.
Let's start with the step-mother. In the movie she tells Cinderella she fell madly in love with her first husband and had two beautiful girls. Then her husband died and she was devastated. She married a second time, Cinderella's father, for the well being of her girls but that husband died too. So now she was left alone, having to provide for her two girls on her own, and she would never get a happily ever after. The step-mother can represent someone who has some major storms in her life and instead of turning to God for help, she becomes a bitter person to the very end.
Now let's discuss Cinderella. She's a young girl who's happy and life is good. Then tragedy strikes and she losses her mother. Instead of becoming bitter she continues to be kind. Her step-sisters talk bad about her but she still shows them compassion, her father dies and her step-mother makes her a servant girl in her own house! I don't know about you, but by this point I would be a very bitter and mean person. Cinderella is still kind, and let's be honest, it takes her great courage to get up every morning and be kind with all that has happened to her. Cinderella can represent someone who has major storms in her life, but she clings to God and still shines for Him!
The one thing that I think really got me in this movie was when Cinderella looks at her step-mother and tells her she forgave her. The step-mother didn't ask for it, Cinderella just gave it freely. Now I'm not saying Cinderella is Jesus, but how many times a day does Jesus look at us and says "I forgive you." when we don't ask for it? 
I believe this movie is amazing and has many lessons that everyone can learn. I love the classic Cinderella, but this one really makes you see why the storms of life can't take your light for God away and how they can't last forever because God won't let them. You need to only cling to Him!

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