Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Adventure Has Been Great So Far

February 24, 2008 my life changed forever. I had been having a rough time for awhile. These rough times came from not agreeing with friends, a few bumps in the family road, and boy problems. It just so happened that the boy problems were what was going to open my eyes to God.
I was 13 years old, getting ready to turn 14 in a few months. I had my heartbroken over a guy on that February day. I honestly don't know what had happened between the guy and me, but it was the best thing that had ever happened.
My mom and I went to a Christian bookstore on February 24th and, as I was browsing the Bible shelves, a Bible caught my attention. It was an NIV True Image Bible and my mom bought it for me.
That night, as I was sitting in my room and looking through this new Bible, I found a page in the back labeled "Christianity 101." I was curious do I read it.
This peace came over me and I felt truly happy for the first time in a long time. I realized in that moment that God was with me even when no one else wasn't and Jesus is my True Prince Charming and He had someone planned for me!
I thought I had been saved about two or three times before that. But that night at 10pm, I KNEW 100% sure that I had started a relationship with God!
A lot of things hit my family all at once after that and it was a storm. Instead of questioning God about why these things were happening I clung to God as hard as I could! God knew that I needed Him at that time more than ever.
Now, seven years later there have been tons of hard times, but billions of amazingly happy times! I praise God that He never gave up on me and continued to pursue me and pursues me now. Life is hard, but a life with a relationship with God makes everything sweet and beautiful in the right time! By the way, God loves you and is pursuing you too!