Saturday, March 22, 2014

God's Plans > your plans

In her heart a woman plans her course, but The Lord determines her steps. ~Proverbs16:9 (NIV & the "her" is a "he" in the Bible)
I'm sitting here writing this and I have to smile at how God works. I had school all planned out. Graduate High School as Valavictorian and go to a community college for two years. Next I would leave and go to a university to finish my degree.
So did these plans add up with God's? No. God decided I would graduate High School as Salutatoiran and go one year to a community college. During the time at college I would reconnect with one of my best friends and she would want me to go to Campbell University with her.
We took a trip to the university and toured it. She was already accepted so now I just had to get in! As we left that day people working at the university looked at me and told me that, even though they couldn't give me an acceptance letter that day, I would be accepted!
So now a new chapter is about to begin and my plans have changed just a little. I know one thing though. I would rather my plans change and become God's plans instead of staying my plans and me missing out on a huge blessing! So there's what's going on in my life right now and I'm praising God for every minute of it!
Here's a photo collage from our tour at Campbell University.
Something to remember.

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