"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeing; but a woman who fears The Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gates." ~Proverbs 31:30-31 (NIV)
Today is the last blog post for the Modest Is Hottest Prom 2014. I have really enjoyed doing this "advice" segment and I hope that I have been some help to girls who are wanting to glorify God this prom season. To finish out I have put poses, hair, makeup, jewelry, and nail ideas on my board on pintrest. If you have been reading these prom posts and would like to be on this blog, you can send a picture of your prom dress to atravelersthoughts@yahoo.com and I will post it in my May blog when I come back to the idea of prom. Just include your first name and what state you live in so I can put it under the picture.
I'm ending with another verse from Proverbs because we are never to young to start becoming the person described in Proverbs 31 and I think that is very important to remember. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe prom this year. Here are the last two dress options i just had to post:
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