Saturday, March 29, 2014

Proverbs 31 women in the Bible- part 1

I love Proverbs 31! I try my hardest to be like the woman described in that chapter. While I was doing my Bible study today I was curious to see how many women in the Bible fit some (or all) of the descriptions of a Proverbs 31 woman. I was surprised at finding four in the first book of the Bible! So as I am reading through the Bible I will write down the women in my notes and list three or four at a time. This could become a long research, but I believe I will grow so much more in my faith because of it. I hope it helps you too.
1.) Noah, Shem, Ham, and Jepheth's wives:
We do not know much about the women in Noah's life, but I believe they were an important part of the ark and everything leading to the flood (and I don't mean just helping repopulating the earth LOL). Think about it, your husband comes in and tells you that God told him to build an ark because rain was going to come down from the sky for the first time and destroy the world. How would you react? I know I would tell my husband he's crazy and probably check him into the loony-bin. Did Noah's wife do that? No, she faithful believed her husband and God. She probably even helped build the ark. Then Noah's daughters-in-law did not question him. They faithfully went along with what he was saying and probably helped take care of the animals. Let's not forget their families were going to die, but they trusted their husbands and God to protect them! I believe they measured up to verses 12, 17, 20, and 27 in Proverbs 31.
2.) Sarah:
Sarah was the wife of Abraham and a very beautiful woman. She is the perfect example of a submissive wife. She followed her husband wherever he led and was loving. Yes, she did mess up quite a few times. Some examples of that would be trying to rush God's plans with Hagar, doubting God, and being cruel to Hagar. In-spite of all of that GOD presents her as a perfect example of a wife, she is in the Bible more than any woman (even Mary)! Where she is mintioned at is Genesis 23, Genesis 24:67, Hebrews 11:11, 1Peter 3:6, Romans 9:9, Romans 4:19, and Galatians 4:21-31! I believe she measured up to verses 11, 12, 15, 23, 25, and 28-31 in Proverbs 31.
3.) Hagar:
An Egyptian servant to Sarah who did what Sarah told her to do and had Abraham's child! Yes, the Bible says she couldn't stand Sarah after she became pregnant and that she ran away. Let's remember though that Sarah was abusing her and she was probably afraid she would lose any rights to her child! But what stood out to me about her was that she trusted in a God (The One and Only God) that she never knew about and returned to Sarah! If that doesn't fit some of the Proverbs 31 standards I don't know what will! I believe she measured up to verses 13, (part of) 15, 17, 22, and 24 of Proverbs 31.
4.) Rebekah:
A virgin who was beautiful and did hard work. She put herself in a very low position by offering to water the camels that belonged to Abraham's servant. What did she get for doing this? She got to meet, fall in love, and marry Isaac. In her early years she was a very good picture of what a Proverbs 31 woman should be. Unfortunately when she got older favoritism between her sons caused her to split up her family and doubt God. Nonetheless, in her early years, I believe, she measured up to verses 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 27, and 30 of Proverbs 31.
All these women are good examples of things to do and not to do as Christian women. They also show us that a Proverbs 31 woman is human and more than likely will mess up a time or two. So learn from them and strive to be that noble women described in the Bible. More Proverbs 31 women of the Bible to come soon.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

God's Plans > your plans

In her heart a woman plans her course, but The Lord determines her steps. ~Proverbs16:9 (NIV & the "her" is a "he" in the Bible)
I'm sitting here writing this and I have to smile at how God works. I had school all planned out. Graduate High School as Valavictorian and go to a community college for two years. Next I would leave and go to a university to finish my degree.
So did these plans add up with God's? No. God decided I would graduate High School as Salutatoiran and go one year to a community college. During the time at college I would reconnect with one of my best friends and she would want me to go to Campbell University with her.
We took a trip to the university and toured it. She was already accepted so now I just had to get in! As we left that day people working at the university looked at me and told me that, even though they couldn't give me an acceptance letter that day, I would be accepted!
So now a new chapter is about to begin and my plans have changed just a little. I know one thing though. I would rather my plans change and become God's plans instead of staying my plans and me missing out on a huge blessing! So there's what's going on in my life right now and I'm praising God for every minute of it!
Here's a photo collage from our tour at Campbell University.
Something to remember.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    "My gifts are better than gold, even the purest gold. My wages better than sterling silver." ~Proverbs 8:19 (NIV)
   First of all let me say HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! I hope everyone has had a great day and remembered to wear green! Now have you ever wondered why St. Patrick's day was started? I know I have! So I did a little research and here is what I found out.
  St. Patrick was from Britain and he grew up in a religious family but had no religion of his own. He was taken by Irish pirates when he was sixteen. He was forced to herd sheep for six years and during that time he really started talking to God and growing in a personal relationship with God. One night he fled from his owner and 250 miles away from where he was a salve he found a ship. It took awhile, but he convinced the owner of the ship to let him travel with them.
  They traveled on foot for twenty something days and St. Patrick worked as a preacher in their small group and it is said that all the people with him became Christians. He finally returned to his family in his early twenties and continued to grow in his relationship with God. He later went back to Ireland and was a missionary there in a time where the place was filled with Druids and Pagans. There are legends that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland, because there are no snakes to this day. He used the shamrock to explain the Trinity to people when he was witnessing to them.
  So years later we celebrate St. Patrick's day on the day of St. Patrick's death. No one knows for sure how he died , but of course there are a couple of tales. The Irish also celebrate their heritage on this day (maybe that's why we wear green). Many church's celebrate St. Patrick's day because it is a milestone in Christian history. The main places that celebrate it though are places in Europe.
  So there are my findings about St. Patrick's day.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break 2014

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." ~Genesis 1:1 (NIV)
For Spring Break this year my mom, dad, and I went to Kentucky. The whole reason I wanted to go was to see the Creation Museum that Ken Ham is the president of. The Creation Museum is a great place to go to and see the Bible come to life!  This place also showed the importance of being involved in church and with family. The people who work there are all very friendly and the museum helps answer some questions such as were there dinosaurs? Where did races come from? and many more things. I highly recommend everyone tries to go see this museum! You won't regret it!
Creation debate photo.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and coverages. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Our last stop before we headed home was Ohio. We went to United States National Air Force Museum. It was so powerful to see the actual planes used in war and to see bullet holes. I am so thankful for the people who serve our country! I looked through the small Holocaust exhibit and I learned that "Holocaust" means "burned by fire". The name was used so that people would remember all the books, Bibles, people, towns, and business' were lost during that time.
"'His master replied, 'well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'" ~Matthew 25:23 (NIV)
The last part of our vacation was not planned, but God was still at work. We were eating at a steakhouse and a  older gentleman passed out and hit his head on the floor. My mom is a nurse so she went to help and the man had a history of heart problems and was a diabetic. While my mom was helping him a whole lot of people came in that were coming back from some king of conference. For there to be that many people there was a miracle! God put me on fire to where I had to get up from my seat and go pray with him and his wife. He was okay when he left to go to the hospital to get checked out. It was amazing to see God work and feel His Spirit setting me on fire to do His work!
Now. Here are some pictures of my trip:

Click to Play

Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Fairy Tale in the making

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeing; but a woman who fears The Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gates." ~Proverbs 31:30-31 (NIV)
      Today is the last blog post for the Modest Is Hottest Prom 2014. I have really enjoyed doing this "advice" segment and I hope that I have been some help to girls who are wanting to glorify God this prom season. To finish out I have put poses, hair, makeup, jewelry, and nail ideas on my board on pintrest. If you have been reading these prom posts and would like to be on this blog, you can send a picture of your prom dress to and I will post it in my May blog when I come back to the idea  of prom. Just include your first name and what state you live in so I can put it under the picture.
      I'm ending with another verse from Proverbs because we are never to young to start becoming the person described in Proverbs 31 and I think that is very important to remember. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe prom this year. Here are the last two dress options i just had to post: