Saturday, June 28, 2014

Other Women of the Bible- Part 2

I am going to be taking a break from this series to work on another series for the month of July. I will pick this series up on the first Saturday of August. I hope everyone is enjoying this series!
Zipporah: she was Moses' wife. She was a preacher's daughter and a shepherdess. She seemed to believe and listen to God. After all, husband as the one God chose to lead Israel out of Egypt after 400 years of slavery and she didn't try to talk him out of it. (Exodus 2:16-23)
Miriam: she was Moses' older sister and God had blessed her by making her a leader of the women. She messed up a couple of times though. She started nasty rumors about Moses. She had good qualities too though. (All through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
Jael: she took an opportunity sent from God and she drew on His strength to find courage she might not have known she had. God gave her victory over a death for Israel. This was a huge deal and honer in those days. (Judges 4:16-22)
Abimelek's Killer: she was someone unknown in the Bible. She was probably just someone who used a millstone to provide food for her town. But, just like Jael, she relied on God's strength and His planning to save her town and people from being destroyed by fire from an evil wannabe king. (Judges 9:52)
Samson's Pagan Bride: she was a Philistine woman who was beautiful and charming. She probably found Samson very attractive and, against parents wishes, they quickly got married.Their marriage failed because they had different loyalties to different people. The woman chose to be threatened by her own people and betraying her husband instead of confiding in her husband and trusting him to protect her. Also, they jumped into a huge commitment for physical satisfaction instead of taking time to know each other. (Judges 14)
Delilah: She used her body and her looks to get what she wanted. She seduced Samson and then she was seduced by money to learn his secret, betray him, and play a part in his death! The Bible doesn't say if she died in the temple when Samson tore it down, but I don't think her life was ever happy. (Judges 16)
Micah's Unfaithful Mother: She put a curse on money that was stolen from her (The Bible does not say if she used magic or not.) She also offered the money to God. But once her son returned it and admitted to stealing it, she made an idol with it and helped teach her son not to worship God! (Judges 17)
The Levite's Defenseless Concubine: she ran away from the Levite and therefore disobeyed him. In return though, he did not defend her and let her die. I believe there might have been better ways for her to handle the situation and I believe the man let her down! (Judges 19)
The Wives of Benjamin: Not much is said about them besides that they were innocent victims. They do play an important part in history of keeping the tribe of Benjamin alive. (Judges 21)
Peninnah: She was honestly just a bully. She had a husband and children, but she had to give Hannah a hard time about not being able to have children until Hannah would be depressed and not eat. Now, Peninnah
might have done these things because she didn't feel loved by her husband, but she still handled everything the wrong way.  (1 Samuel 1)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer, here I come!

Well, Summer is offically herr! So, HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!! I hope everyone who reqds this has great summer days and adventures!
I've started some new things for this summer. First, I am training for a 5k, so I need A LOT of prayers please! My aunt always runs 5k's so she's kind of training me. It's been really hot here in North Carolina so I haven't got to train like I would like to. One of mybest friends will goto the gym to wotkout together also. So, this is a fun, new adventure to be on!
I'm also cutting back on how much soda I drink. Anyone who enjoys a soda or two knows how addicting they can be! I've substituted the Naked Juice and the Raaw juice for my sweet tasting drinks. I also enjoy green tea and at least two cups of water a day.
Another thing i have changed, is that I have been limiting myself to how many hours of TV I. Canwatch. I'm down to four or fjve hours. This is a lot better than how much I was watching when summer started! I have replaced some of those hours by sitting outside and reading. I'm a book nerd so having all this time to read is great! Also studying my Bible and just spend time outside appreciating God's beautiful creation!
I thought I would just givr a personal updateon this post and I hope you enjoy reading it. God bless you & you all are in my prayers!
XOXO, Brandi;💛💙

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Are You a Carrot, Egg, or Coffee Bean?

I often wonder what kind of imprint I'm leaving on this world. It's safe to say I want God to shine through whatever I do. But, I also want to be who He made me to be.
I started this week off by going to a friend's graduation. One of the speakers told a story that really stuck with me. It went like this:
A girl had came home and was telling her mom what a bad day at school she was having and how hard life was at the time. The mom went and put three pots of water on the stove to boil. She put a carrot in the first pot. An egg in the second and a coffee bean in the third. After a few minutes she called her daughter into the kitchen. She told her daughter she had three choices. To become like the carrot, which had turned soft a mushy, during hard times. To become like the egg, that had became hard and tough to crack. Or to be like the coffee bean, which had turned the water into coffee.
So what is the idea here? It's to be like a coffee bean and influence the world around you instead of letting the world influence you! This scripture, I think, that teaches that same lesson.  Jesus is telling a parable about weeds. The weeds are lost people today and the good seed are people who have a relationship with God. I think this shows how we can influence each other and how God doesn't give up on us.
"'No,' he answered, ' because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" ~Matthew 13:29-30 NIV
So, are you a carrot, egg, or coffee bean?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Sleeping Beauty

Recently I watched a friend in a dance production of a Biblical telling of Sleeping Beauty. The scene that moved me the most was when Aurora was going to marry the prince and the song "Wedding Day" by Casting Crowns played. So I was wondering what I would find if I watched Sleeping Beauty. This is what I found:
The Three Good Fairies would represent Angels looking out for people.
The King and Queen represent Christians who are going through a hard time, but trusting in God.
Fona is the person who tries to see good in everyone.
Meriweather is the person who was the rebel but has found grace.
Flora is the person who is still trying to learn to rely on God and sometimes tries to make everything better by herself.
Maleficent represents the sin that can come into our lives.
The fact that the King and Queen threw a party for Aurora's birth is a reminder to us that we are God's joy and He celebrates us everyday!
The gift of beauty could be seen as the inner beauty we get as we grow closer to God and the gift of song can be seen as worshiping God.
Maleficent's "gift" can be seen as a beautiful person in God, who loves, but has fallen to sin. The gift of sleep until true loves kiss can be seen as staying pure and waiting for the one God has planned for you.
When Aurora is picking berries in the movie and singing about love, it can be seen as what every girl has done. Doubt God's plan for her love story. When Aurora runs from Prince Phillip, that can be seen as running from temptation and letting things play out the way God wants it to.
When the kings are planning their kids futures and Phillip says he doesn't want to go along with the plan, one of the king's starts to worry.  If he would have just stood back and watched he would have seen God's plan for love was happening and God's plan is so much better than man's plan!
Aurora falling under the spell and touching the spindle can be seen as doubting God's plan, because she was so heart broken over finding out she could never see the guy she met, and letting sin slowly slip into your life.
Finally, through it all Prince Phillip really did use the shield of virtue and sword of truth by not giving up on true love and the two of them sharing true loves first kiss!
There are the pure, true love facts I found in the movie Sleeping Beauty.