"I'm hanging on to a hope I don't remember. I'm 21 and life still hasn't come together. Stay, stay with me. Don't leave me all alone picking up the pieces. My heart can't bear you leaving. Just another night of feeling so alone. There's nothing for me without you. Where was I before I knew you? I AM YOURS!" ~"Stay" by Lexi Elisha.

Well, the first chapter to this story is Chapter One: My feet are bruised but they'll follow where You lead. This is the second chapter of my story. Over the summer I have forgotten about the dream God has placed in my heart to help others. I haven't done my volunteer work like I normally do. And though I have traveled many places this summer, I haven't had the courage to tell others about God on my trips.
To be completely honest, I've gone what some would call "lukewarm" in my Christian walk. The Bible says "So, because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth." ~Revelation 3:16. I don't want to be this kind of Christian and I don't want to be a disappointment to God. I had to get to a low point in my life to realize I needed that fire in me to be blazing again.
The Bible says "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans." ~Psalm 118:8 and "Do not put your trust on princes, in human beings, who cannot save." ~Psalm 146:3. Yesterday, on the way home from Tennessee, I realized I had been putting my faith in people close to me instead of God. Needless to say, these people let me down one by one until I felt completely alone. I don't think these people meant to let me down, but I think it was all a part of God's plan to get me attention. The Bible does say that God will take away what we worship instead o Him. Sometimes a relationship can turn into what we are worshiping instead of God.
I'm getting back into my routine of spending time with God, my heart is slowly being mended back together and the fire in my soul is starting to blaze again.
I haven't set out and conquered the world yet. But I am still a work in progress and, Thank God, He is still working on me. More "chapters" of my life story will be shared with you as they are revealed to me. God's timing is PERFECT!!